
"Menyebut yang benar tidaklah akan mendekatkan ajal dan tidak akan menjauhkan rezeki"

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

team outing!!!!

here, i uploaded few images which might hurts someone's feeling coz im the hottiest....hehehe...
this photos was take during our team outing, as for me, this is the first....ermmm...let me informed the 'flow' for our outing for that day...

we started our outing by gathering somewhere at Celcom..10km for me to walk and find them....we continue the journey by driving to Galaxie...then all group members gathered at Galaxie...

*psttt: me and Kak Elle experienced horror journey with Salleh, as the driver.....

After Galaxie, we havent decided to go where and finally we unanimous to go for bowling but before that must have something to eat first.... after two games we fighting, torching and condemning each others, group Amy won and individually Amy were leading the games...Yasser and Alan did very good strike at their first game, but plunged so bad for the second time.

After it ended, me, Kak Anna and Akak Elle, cannot 'tahan' watching karaoke box just around the corner.....while smiling with each other (showed that we understand our lung needs) we agreed to go there....

It was awesome moments and i'll miss it...so damn much..


me and Lan while waiting our turn to strike for bowling...

me with Amy, the bowling hero for the day...

me with Capik, competing each other and finally I won....

me, after having ketiao sup (the taste was nightmare)....

here comes the divas from gryffindor..me, Kak Elle and Kak Anna....all of us lost!!!

Amoi and Herry were posing before get down the pins (dua je jatuh)

Kak Anna and her fiance, Abg Andy 'gigih' sipping their soups....

Enjoying the horrible foods....

Smile you all!!!

Me with Kak Elle after singing Hajat song...

Kak Anna and her fiance...Abg Andy

Capik dreaming for his winning...but only dreaming, never come true....

here it comes. the winner for the day....

up and down with Budy, Yasser and Alan....