
"Menyebut yang benar tidaklah akan mendekatkan ajal dan tidak akan menjauhkan rezeki"

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Hari ini merupakan hari pertama aku merasmikan blog...xtualy, aku la paling malas nak tulis blog ni...but i'll try my best to provide the greatest blog....


Baiti al-Jannati said...

Happy Birthday!

Being a year older does not mean you are less younger, only with age and experience are we allowed to be wiser..

Selamat hari raya as well, mohon ampun jika terkasar bahasa, salah perbuatan, truly unintentional..

You'll forever be the girl from Kuala yang terer masak rendang to me! ;)

Maaf Zahir Batin.

shiela ismail said...

thanks b...
only you wish through my blog...
i appreciate it..
well...anything for you b...
nak apa?rendang ayam?keli masak tempoyak?....huhuhu
tu jer yg boleh memikat hati kwn2...