
"Menyebut yang benar tidaklah akan mendekatkan ajal dan tidak akan menjauhkan rezeki"

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i'm too tired....

i've tried to be a good daughter but i always felt i will never fulfill my parents needs....they never asked for anything but i always wanted to give them something...i'll never stop trying...
i've tried to be a good person in 'someone's life' but there are always something between us....and i'll never stop trying....
i've tried to be a good friend but never satisfied them....
and now...i'm tired...too tired...

to whom which may concern...
im really tired....
really tired...
if you want me to walked away..just say so...
but dont be a hypocrite...mumbling bout 'beautiful' life with others....

and now..to you..i'll down on my knees ...asking for a favor....
plssss..dont make me hate you....
dont pissed me off....

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