
"Menyebut yang benar tidaklah akan mendekatkan ajal dan tidak akan menjauhkan rezeki"

Thursday, May 1, 2008


A week back, I was invited to attend a recognition night....it's M'sian Press Institute - Msian Journalism Night 2007.

I bet it's a prestige event since our prime minister is one who's going to present the awards....

I wish there's a nomination called "the best practical trainee"....

the nominees for news desk are.....
shiela.....news desk....
Qill....hotline desk.....
Assim....crime desk....
Azim...general desk....
Nana.....dunno desk.....
Fonso....business desk....
mimi.....biro....(tarik diri..)
Syam...konti UFM....(eliminated)
Mas.....xder desk lagi (uncontested)...

and the winner who will walked away with Habib Jewel necklace worth RM888,888.00 is ......
(bunyi dram).....

speech by shiela....
"-NIL-" the event is tonite...so wait for further information....will be post on Tuesday 6 since on monday i have appointment with my orthodontist....till then chill out....



qilla said...

*tahniah..mmg la aku x leh lawan ko..yela..editor sanggup bagi ni peluang..lpas ni mmg confirm jd editor trus kt nst*

*da kaya n famous sok,jgn lupa kfc kt klia*

shiela ismail said...

btw...you went also that nite, rite?..nothin' to be proud with.... I thought, I had somethin' diff/special from our friends and foes...but since azim also there..he'll be laughing if I posting the MPI stuffs...hehehe

qilla said...

*yg pasti aku lagi tinggi dari azim malam tu*